By analyzing the structural theory calculation, make sure the bridge dead load experiment plan, elaborate the experimental preparation, implementation process and the effect. 通过结构理论计算分析,确定该桥静载试验方案,阐述试验准备、实施过程及所取得效果。
The fretting life of conductor increases with the decrease of bending amplitude and dead load. 导线微动寿命随弯曲振幅和外加静载荷的减小而增大。
Three Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of the Single Pile under Static Lateral Loading; The application of CFG piles composite foundation dead load test in passengers dedicated line 基桩水平静载试验的三维非线性有限元模拟CFG桩复合地基静载荷试验在客运专线中的应用
To evaluate fracture instability, the total sum of stresses due to residual welding or rolling stresses, dead load, and live loads must be considered. 计算断裂失稳性时,必须考虑焊接或轧制残余应力,恒载应力和活载应力之总和。
Optimizing research on dead load cable tension of hybrid cable-stayed bridge with single tower; 混合梁斜拉桥具有独特的结构特点,是今后大跨度斜拉桥发展方向之一。
Testing methods for crimp of yarn in fabrics: dead load 纤维纱卷曲率测定法:完全负载法
The increase in nominal stress due to live load, BC, is usually small in comparison with the dead load, OA. 活载产生的名义应力的增量BC段与恒载产生的名义应力OA段相比一般是很小的。
Layout of the falsework should consider the requirement for longitudinal bracing, two percent of the dead load, to prevent internal collapse of the system. 脚手架的布局应该考虑纵向支撑,无用负载的百分之二的要求,防止系统的内部崩溃。
In order to understand whether the new Tingjiang bridge of Dapu county after finished can satisfy the design requirement, it makes a dead load experiment. 为了解大埔县新汀江大桥成桥后实际承载能力是否满足设计要求,针对新汀江大桥进行静载试验。
The application of CFG piles composite foundation dead load test in passengers dedicated line CFG桩复合地基静载荷试验在客运专线中的应用
DL2 Dead load from lining or insulation. 来自内衬或保温材料的静荷载。
The dead load analysis need not be revised. 不需要重新进行静载分析了。
The failure time of elements in structural system under dead load and fatigue load was studied. 对在静载荷和疲劳载荷共同作用下的结构系统中的各失效元件的失效时间进行研究。
Construction procedures that will allow major structure dead load movements to occur prior to placement and adjustment of deck joints should be used. 施工程序将允许在布置前,发生主要结构恒载位移,且宜采用桥面接缝调整。
The skillful design of the pulley block makes the largest door leaf able to bear the400kg dead load of the leaf. 滑轮组的巧妙设计,使最大门扇可承受400公斤的门扇自重。
Thus, this paper gives the strain energy sensitivity formula that involves the bridge structural dead load and the live load for multiple load cases. 导出了涉及桥梁结构恒载和活载的多载荷工况的应变能灵敏度公式,建立了考虑应力和应变能要求的多约束三维结构优化算法。
It is a safer method to use dead load and higher safe factor in pressure vessels of conventional design. 压力容器常规设计法采用静载荷、高安全系数的设计方法,在工程应用中较简单方便。
Through calculation and analysis of static modal under dead load, live load and water load, we derived the non-seismic internal force and deforming of the structure. 通过对静力模型在恒载、活载和水荷载作用下的计算和组合,得到了结构非抗震设计的内力和变形。
Secondly, calculation theory of construction for suspension bridge is presented under the ideal condition of dead load design. 其次,根据悬索桥恒载设计理想状态建立了悬索桥施工计算原理;
The test method is further improved through the dead load test of the bridge and the stress-strain relationship, strength, rigidity and working reliability of the structure are obtained from analyzing and dealing with the test data. 通过对该桥型的静载试验,进一步完善了试验方案,并通过对试验数据的分析处理得到了桥梁结构的应力应变关系及强度,刚度和工作状态的可靠性。
After this bridge completed, implements dead load test and space analysis with different space model. 成桥后对该桥进行静载试验以及利用不同的空间计算模型分别分析计算在试验荷载作用下该组合梁桥的效应。
The ultimate load of cable-stayed bridges is determined by the failure path of structure under the dead load. 在自重荷载作用下,斜拉桥极限承载力与结构的失效路径有关;
Computer simulation was made using an actual diesel-generator set control system of a ship's power station, giving the dynamic characteristic curves of a system suddenly applying dead load and starting a high-power asynchronous motor respectively. 对一个实际的船舶电站柴油发电机组控制系统进行了计算机仿真研究,分别给出了系统在突加静负荷和起动大功率异步电动机时的动态特性曲线。
The testing content, loading mode, testing method and the testing results of dead load are introduced. 介绍了对该桥的检测内容、加载工况、测试方法以及静载试验结果。
The loads, including the dead load and the live load, are the main effects on the bridge. 荷载是桥梁结构上的主要作用之一,其中包括恒荷载和活荷载。
Basic calculate methods for rational cable force under dead load are expounded and summarizeded. 对现有的斜拉桥合理成桥索力计算方法进行阐述和总结。
The deformation regular of the steel-concrete joint has been analysed under the dead load and fatigue load. 分析钢&混凝土接头在静载和疲劳荷载作用下的变形规律;
The influence of the time of applying secondary dead load on the post creep deformation has been studied. 研究了二期恒载的施加时机对后期徐变变形的影响。
About dead load effects, the relative deviation between calculated and measured strain is conducted statistical analysis. 在恒载效应方面,对应变的实测值与理论值的相对偏差进行了统计分析。